Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday's link-oh-rama

I spent last weekend looking at naked tomatoes online, but I'm hoping to step it up this weekend. If you're interested in vegetable porn, I suggest Two days ago I received the joyful email that says spring is around the corner, but more accurately "your order has shipped."

It made me wonder though, if you order a mail order bride, do you get an email saying "your order has shipped?" Just curious, no other reason, really, just curious. Before I dig a deeper hole, here are some links to more interesting stories:

** I've never been in a rock band, but I've been a groupie, and I'm guessing this dude at the City Pages nails this: Six people who make the worst bandmates. I like his reference to the "fingerless gloves of terror."

** You've heard of the Bakken oil fields. You may not have heard of this writer. But he went there and wrote about it and wrote and wrote. It's interesting.
Three hundred miles due north of Deadwood, South Dakota and roughly half as many years past its 1870s heyday, a new gold rush is threatening to give that storied spectacle of exuberant capitalism a run for its money.
** Jack is back! Nuf said.

** From "Growing Up Clown"
Watching your mom act as a clown isn’t very startling after you’ve spent an hour watching her morph into one. In fact, that’s exactly why she had me watch her put on her makeup and wig: to demystify her clownhood so I would always know she was still there under the greasepaint.
** In India news, this doesn't sound suspicious at all.
Ms Tahrar, who denied having an affair with the minister, tweeted after she heard of Ms Pushkar's death: "I'm absolutely shocked."
** If you are interested, and I don't know anybody who is not, there is a Facebook page dedicated to and petition seeking to deport Justin Bieber to Canada. Be a belieber!
"You guys are evil," he said in 2011. "Canada's the best country in the world. We go to the doctor and we don't need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you're broke because of medical bills."
** This is probably as good a preview of the Patriots-Broncos game you'll find.

** I haven't watched it for years, but peeps tell me Harry Connick Jr. has revived American Idol. He's cool. I could see that. This week's music link: The Way You Look Tonight.

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