*** William T. Vollmann was first suspected by the FBI of being the Unabomber, then the anthrax mailer. Turns out he’s just another author I’ve never read.
"UNABOMBER, not unlike VOLLMANN has pride of authorship and insists his book be published without editing," part of the file states. Other sections link his appearance to composite sketches of the bomber and suggest that "anti-growth and anti-progress themes persist throughout each VOLLMANN work." A source told the FBI that Vollmann "reportedly owns many guns and a flame-thrower." ("I would love to own a flamethrower," he notes cheerfully.) After the real Unabomber was caught, Vollmann was listed among the suspects in the 2001 anthrax attacks.*** I don’t know where I’ve been, but I have never heard of this lady. What an amazing bio and what crazily prolific writer. BBC News reports that Barbara Cartland's complete collection of 883 novels are to be published as part of new distribution agreement.
*** Clint Eastwood is in early talks to direct the movie "American Sniper," based on the autobiography of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle.
*** Here are 21 jokes only history nerds will understand. Like: In the Class of 1825, Robert E. Lee was voted “Most Likely To Secede”
*** You may have seen the news that Bradley Manning now wants to become Chelsea Manning. It reminded many of this funny Monty Python sketch.
*** And the biggest news of the week: Prince has released a new single "Breakfast Can Wait."
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