** This "Day of War" thing is going to be a big deal. Trust me. I know people who know people and they agree it’s going to be Haugmungus. The Rapid City Journal says: Cliff Graham has a lot going for him right now. The 30-year-old Rapid City native is an accomplished author and speaker, and is about to see his work hit the big screen as filmmakers adapt his writing into a movie.
** Joseph “Jody” Bottum, formerly an editor at the Weekly Standard and First Things, appears to have a hit on Kindle with his new e-book, Dakota Christmas. It’s only 99 cents.
** John Pollman of theSioux Falls Argus Leader considers the 60 minutes before the sun sets to be the “Golden Hour” for hunting the state bird. For any non-hunters this story offers a good glimpse of why many South Dakotans enjoy a pheasant hunt with their dog.
** Speaking of pets, Shirley Halleen of the Argus has a column that begins with a statement I well agree with: New pets should come with the directions: “Make room in your heart, because I will fill it with both love and pain.”
** Former Rapid City mayor and current SBA dude, Jim Shaw, wonders if libraries are about to go the way of the buggy whip.
** And one of my favorite writers, Stephen Hunter, has a new book out: Soft Target. Hunter tells more about it over at Powerline.
gotta agree. Soft target is a great read. Just letting you know hes actually appearing on the book report radio show on March 3rd and I know the host does a fantastic job interviewing authors and i know she will give get out some great insight on his writing of the book. heres a link to see when it airs for you.. but its a great radio show either way.http://bookreportradio.com/