Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Haven't done a "Link-Oh-Rama" for a while

 Let's change that:

** I like this quote (which sometimes applies to me as well) from a story about Taylor Swift moving into the book publishing biz:

“People often greatly underestimate me on how much I’ll inconvenience myself to prove a point.”

** Here's a long but fascinating story about online sports betting, which the author claims may have about run it's course. 

The repeal of PASPA made it possible for people in America to make money taking bets, but they turned around and made it nearly impossible for anyone to make money placing bets. If anything, they made it easier than ever to lose. 

** This falls under the category I like to espouse: "Relax, everything will be okay." Also: "Things seldom are as bad as they say, or as good." Here's WSJ columnist Peggy Noonan from before the election with: "The U.S. Can Take a Tough Election"

** Anyone know where I can get a dynamometer to measure my grip strength? "It’s one of the most underrated predictors of longevity." 15 Mobility Tests to Make Sure You’re Aging A-Okay

** I had not heard of this dude. Have you? Maybe I'll check out his newsletter. The Most Opinionated Man in America

** Farmers and ranchers often get a bad rap (incorrectly) for not taking care of the environment. They, in most instances, are the best stewards of their land. Here's a story about my friend near Newell, SD, and what he does to take care of his land and the wildlife that inhabit it.