Thursday, September 12, 2013

Whatcha working on, you ask?

I've been pretty much finished with a shnovel titled "Pet Teachers." What's a shnovel, you ask? It's a shorter novel, about 30-35,000 words. I think "novella" sounds too pretentious for anything I write. Definitely, more of a shnovel guy. There might be a couple tweeks to it yet, but I've pretty much stuck a fork in it.

I think you'll enjoy the teachers, three SDSU grads who had their issues during college and upon becoming high school teachers in South Dakota were blackmailed by the Dean into doing some dirty work for her. That summer work proved to be a lot more profitable than siding houses and mowing golf courses, like many of their peers did, and they ended up being pretty good at it. Unfortunately, the jobs are also highly illegal.

If I can get my editor out of the bar, I hope to release it as an e-book on, oh, let's shoot for Thanksgiving. 

As for my two newer novels, which I hope to publish in all formats (someday), including paperback, I've been bouncing back and forth and making mighty slow progress. Until last night!

The one finally came together. About 15,000 words in, I wasn't sure where it was going, except joining several others in the trash, when voila! Inspiration hit. I outlined it out the rest of the way. And I'm fired up about it. I hope to be cranking on that one for the next few weeks.

It has all the stuff that makes books good: a rebel priest, motorcycle gang, Satanists, missing children, meth, and a three-legged dog. Oh, and of course a hot blonde with "more curves than the Norbeck Scenic Highway and about as well traveled upon." Sounds like a winning recipe.

So there, just in case you thought I spent all summer just playing in my garden, jogging with Stanley, watching baseball and stalking Jennifer Love-Hewitt, you'd be wrong.

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